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Translation revision

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Translation revision

Who is notified:

Users with permission to revise in the documents configured with translation relationships.


Notify structure revision: This task will be generated when creating the revision of a document with translation relationship. To do that, the "Notify when creating the revision" option displayed on the Relationship association screen must be checked.

Notify when closing the revision: This task will be generated when closing the revision of a document with translation relationship. To do that, the "Notify when closing the revision" option displayed on the Relationship association screen must be checked.


To check the impact and the necessity of revising the documents listed as translations of a document being revised.


How to execute this task:


1.Select the desired translation in the list of records.


2.In the Document translation to be evaluated field of the screen that will be opened, select if it will be necessary to create a new revision or if the translation does not need to be revised.*


3.The upper bar on the screen displays the specific buttons to view the electronic file, view the data, and compare the revisions.


4.Save the record. If the option to create a new revision was selected, confirm the system message to do so and open the document data screen. If the revision is not necessary, the document will no longer appear in the list of pending records.


*At the bottom of the screen, it is possible to view the data of the original document that is under revision and the changes made to it.