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Adding a subproject

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See how to add an already recorded project as a subproject from another project through SE GanttChart:


1.In the structure, select the structure level (project or the task) below which you wish to add the subproject.


2.After that, click on the Subproject option on the Task tab.


3.Fill in the following fields on the screen that will be displayed:



Project type: Select the project type that you wish to add as a subproject.

ID #: Select the ID # of the project you wish to add as a subproject. If the previous field is filled, the projects of the selected type will be available for selection. If the desired project is selected by its name, this field will be filled in by the system with the identifier of the selected project.

Name: Select the name of the project you wish to add as a subproject. If the "Project type" field is filled, the projects of the selected type will be available for selection. If the desired project is selected by its ID #, this field will be filled in by the system with the name of the selected project.

Place: This option is only enabled if the element selected in step 01 is a task. Define, regarding the selected task, in which structure location the copied tasks will be positioned: to the right, to the left, above, below.


While the master project is in the planning step, it is necessary for the project status that will be included as a sub-project to be equal to its status, that is, it can only be included as subprojects, projects that are also in planning. When the master project is in the tracking step, it is possible to include projects as subprojects that are with the "Start" or "Execution" status. It will not be possible to include projects already closed.

If the project in question has its time format defined as Days, only the projects that have the same time format configuration may be added as subprojects. That is, projects with a time format set as "Days" may not have subprojects with "Hours" time format and vice versa.

If the subproject calendar differs from the master project calendar, the subproject calendar is retained, that is, it will not be replaced by the master project calendar and will be considered in the calculation of the master project schedule.


4.After that, click on the Save and Exit button on the toolbar of the subproject inclusion screen.


5.At this point, the subproject will be inserted into the project structure. It can be identified in the I column by the icon.


The master project responsible party can only edit the subproject if the "Allow this project to be changed by the responsible in charge of the master project?" option is checked in its data. If the master project responsible party is also responsible for the subproject, they can also make changes.

Remember that when accessing the master project SE GanttChart, the way the subproject will be displayed may vary according to the enabled operations.

To unlink the subproject, simply select it from the master project structure and press the DELETE key on the keyboard or click on the "Delete task" button from the Task palette.