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Configuring a graph analysis

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See a quick and easy way of analyzing a scorecard in the "Analyze a scorecard" topic of the SE Performance Quick Guide!


To add a new graph analysis, click on the new button on the main screen toolbar. On the screen that will be displayed, select the type to classify the graph analysis and save your selection.


To edit the data of a graph analysis, select it in the list of records and click on the edit button.


On the screen that will be opened, enter an ID # and a name for the graph analysis. The following tabs are also available:




Note: After saving the record, the fields in the General tab will be available to be filled out. The Related tab will only be available after the graph analysis is associated with a record.


hmtoggle_arrow1Associated record


After setting all the necessary configurations, save the record.


After you add the analysis and set the data that you make it up, it is necessary to configure the chart that will represent it. To do that, select the desired graph analysis from the second quadrant on the main screen and then click on the chart_options button. For further details about the chart configuration resource, refer to the Chart configuration section. Once done, the graph analysis will be displayed in the third quadrant of the main screen.