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Configuring the data series of a chart

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The data series allows you to determine the information that will be presented in the chart of the period (Chart tab) and the chart of the accumulated period of the indicator (Accumulated chart tab).


To configure the data series, click on the configure_data_series button on the side toolbar. On the screen that will be opened, the following fields are available:

Chart type

Displays the type of the period of the chart whose data series is being configured.




Show measurement unit

The measurement unit used by the indicator will be displayed in the chart values.

The measurement unit used by the indicator will not be displayed in the chart values.

Display summarized hint

When hovering the mouse over the chart bars, only the value and the period will be displayed.

The hint will display the series name, the value, the period and the range configuration.

Display range color as background

The ranges that compose the chart will be displayed in different colors in the chart background. The colors displayed in the chart range are those configured in the items of the range associated with the indicator. If the range values are variable, the background will only be displayed in colors for line and column type charts.

The range colors will not be displayed in the chart background.

Display color of the range in the chart bar

The chart bars will be displayed with the colors of the ranges that classify the values they represent.

The bars will be displayed with the colors set in the chart configuration.

Display period accumulation to the right

The accumulation of the current period is displayed to the right of the period values.

The accumulation of the current period is displayed to the left of the period values.

Display Indicator/Element name in chart title

The name of the element and/or indicator will be displayed in the chart title.

The name of the element and/or indicator will not be displayed in the chart title.

Display number of decimal places of the indicator

The number of decimal places configured in the indicator will be displayed. That is, the number of decimal places of the indicator will prevail over the number of decimal places defined in the chart configuration.

The values will be displayed with the number of decimal places configured in the chart. That is, the number of decimal places configured in the chart will prevail over the number of decimal places defined in the indicator.

Display additional fields value in hint

The chart series hint will also display the values of the additional fields of the indicator, if any.

The values of the additional fields of the indicators will not be displayed in the chart series hint.

Exclusive series for accumulations

Applies a different format to the accumulated and period values.

The accumulation values will be displayed in the same data series as the period values, with the same format in the chart.





The information related to the accumulation will be displayed. The following fields will be available:

# of years: Enter the number of years preceding the current year, whose accumulation values must be shown on the chart. If the number 1 is entered, the current year's accumulation values will be presented.

Columns: Select the option corresponding to the accumulation information that should be displayed in the chart: Measurement, Target or Target + Measurement.

The information related to the accumulation will not be displayed.

2nd Accumulation

The information related to the 2nd accumulation will be displayed. The following fields will be available:

# of years: Enter the number of years preceding the current year, whose 2nd accumulation values must be shown on the chart. If the number 1 is entered, the current year's 2nd accumulation values will be presented.

Columns: Select the option corresponding to the 2nd accumulation information that should be displayed in the chart: Measurement, Target or Target + Measurement.

The information related to the 2nd accumulation will not be displayed.


The information related to the indicator period will be displayed. The following fields will be available:

# of years: Enter the number of years preceding the current year, whose period values must be shown on the chart. If the number 1 is entered, the current year's period values will be presented.

Columns: Select the option corresponding to the period information that should be displayed in the chart: Measurement, Target or Target + Measurement.

The information related to the period will not be displayed.





The corresponding information in "Column" will be displayed in the chart. According to the previously checked options, the information related to the accumulation, 2nd accumulation and period will also be displayed.

The corresponding information in "Column" will not be displayed in the chart.


Save the record after performing the necessary configurations.


In the chart shown in the tab in which the parameterization of the data series is being performed, it is possible to preview the configurations that you have made in this screen.

To restore the data series configuration to the system default, click on the chart_restore_default button on the toolbar.