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Releasing a range

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See how to release a range under drafting/revision:



In the list of records of the second quadrant, locate and select the desired range.



Make sure that the revision that must be released in selected in the list of records of the third quadrant.



Then, still in the third quadrant, click on the default button on the side toolbar.



At this point, the system will question whether you really want to perform this operation. Choose the desired option:

OK: The range will be approved and its data will be available for viewing only. To perform edits on the range, you will need to add a new revision.

Cancel: The range will remain pending with the "Draft" or "Revision" status.


After releasing the range revision, the system will only apply the changes performed in it to the indicators when a new target or measurement input is performed in the indicator.

If the range is on its second or upper revision, the changes performed will be applied on the date entered in the Validity start field from the next recalculation of the scorecard.