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Editing an occurrence

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Select the desired occurrence in the list of records. At this point, a new screen will open up for the details of the occurrence to be informed:




The Step field is filled in by the system with the step for control and treatment of the nonconformities in which the occurrence is found. The fields that were entered on the home screen of the occurrence identification will be presented already filled out by the system; however, in some cases, they may be edited. The following tabs are available:


hmtoggle_arrow0   General


hmtoggle_arrow0   Association



Specific buttons:

bt_fluxo do processo

Click on this button to open the data screen of the process flow or to create or import the flow of people responsible for the steps of the occurrence. See further details about this operation in the Associating a process flow with the occurrence section.


Click on this button to issue a report with the data of the occurrence being identified. The information that will be displayed in the report may be predefined in the classification of the occurrence in question.


Click on this button to issue a customized report of the occurrence being identified.


After performing the desired configurations, save the record.


If, in the Process flow tab of the occurrence classification, a process flow is not set for the steps through which the occurrence will go, the system will demand the definition of a leader for the process flow. Refer to the Associating a process flow with the occurrence for further details about this operation.