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Through this menu, it is possible to monitor the scheduled services, be them SE Suite native schedulings, be them made by components, allowing to enable and disable a schedule, as well as edit it. The description of each scheduled service may be found in the SE Suite services section.


Specific buttons:


Click on this button to edit the scheduled service selected in the list of records. See further details about how to edit a scheduling in the Editing a service scheduling section.


Click on this button to disable a service scheduling. This button is displayed for services in execution.


Click on this button to enable a service scheduling. This button is displayed for services which are not in execution.


Click on this button to execute the scheduled service, regardless of the scheduled recurrence or of the scheduling being enabled or not.


If the scheduling data screen has the "Remove successfully executed imports" option checked, the records imported through it will not be presented in this menu.

Use the following filters to locate the desired service schedulings through specific information:

Scheduling: Enter the ID # and name and/or select if the desired scheduling is enabled or not.


Service: Enter the name of the service related to the desired scheduling.

Execute every: Enter the execution interval for the desired service scheduling.

Frequency: Select the option that corresponds to the frequency of the desired service scheduling execution.

Start: In the "From" and "To" fields, select the date and hour ranges that cover the period of the start of the desired scheduling execution.

Next: In the "From" and "To" fields, select the date and hour ranges that cover the period of the next desired scheduling execution.

After entering the required filters, click on the SEARCH button in the 'Search filters' panel or press the ENTER key on your keyboard. The result will be displayed on the right-side of the view screen.