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Importing a spreadsheet

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There are two ways of importing spreadsheets with completed data to the system, which are: importing it directly through the system and adding it through a specific directory that will be read. This section describes the first option:


Import spreadsheet directly through the system


Step 1

The spreadsheet to be imported must be configured correctly. To do that, it is necessary for its header (first line) to have all fields in the ADINTERFACE table and for it to be saved with an XLS or XLSX extension. Refer to the Warnings on spreadsheet import for the precautions that must be taken when creating the spreadsheet to be imported.


Instead of manually completing every column on the ADINTERFACE table, the system allows downloading a template with these columns previously completed, making it necessary only to add the required information to the body of each used column. To do that, the following buttons of the main screen toolbar can be used (Import arrowrgray Tracking (CM015)) menu:


Click on this button to export a template of the (unfilled) Excel spreadsheet to make an import.


Click on this button to export the records shown in the listing to an Excel spreadsheet for the necessary corrections to be made.


Step 2

With the spreadsheet duly configured:


Access Tool arrowrgray Import arrowrgray Tracking (CM015) menu.


1_auxnmbAfter that, click on the import button on the toolbar.


Drag the spreadsheet to the screen that will be opened or click on the field to browse the directories on your computer and select the desired spreadsheet:

If the spreadsheet is saved with the correct extension (xls or xlsx) and if it contains all fields in the ADINTERFACE table, the "Excel file validated successfully" message will be displayed.

Otherwise, the system will list the errors of the selected spreadsheet. Hover the mouse over the spreadsheet card and select the trash button to delete it from the import screen.


If the spreadsheet is successfully validated, click on the Import button.


Add spreadsheet through a specific directory to be read


For a detailed description on how to perform this operation, refer to the "XLS file structure definition" section of the SE Suite - Integration guide document.