Verification scheduling |
Location: Management Verification Verification scheduling
Overview: Use this menu to define the frequency of execution of the verification activities for a determined period. This scheduling allows the manager to have a greater visibility of the work plan for a determined period so that the due adjustments can be made in order to balance the usage of resources. Example: A determined equipment's verification frequency is set to occur every month. The system allows, then, to configure a scheduling to automatically create activities regarding the verifications of a determined period of time. Using the example, for the scheduling period of a year, the activities (Management Verification scheduling menu) will be automatically created to occur every 30 days. Therefore, instead of the system generating the verification activities from month to month, the system will automatically generate the records for the whole period configured in the schedule. The main screen is divided into three quadrants. The first quadrant displays the panel with search filters that allow locating the plans and their verification activities more easily. The second quadrant displays the verification plans created in the system, while the third quadrant displays the scheduled activities of the plan selected in the second quadrant.
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