In the Task type filter, located by default in the Search filters panel, click on the Select task type button and fill out the following fields:
▪To-do tasks: This field displays, for selection, the tasks generated in SE Calibration. Select the tasks that will be searched. Use the buttons next to this field to Expand and view all the list of tasks, Check all the tasks available and Clear the markups performed. ▪User: Select the name of the user responsible for the task you wish to search. Use the buttons next to this field to select a specific user, fill in the field with your user or clear the field. ▪Position: Select the position of the user responsible for the task you wish to search. Use the buttons next to this field to select a specific position, fill in the field with your position or clear the field. ▪Department: Select the department responsible for the task you wish to search. Use the buttons next to this field to select a specific department, fill in the field with your department or clear the field. ▪Display lower level records: Select this field so that the records that are in the hierarchical levels below the selected type are also searched.