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Creating a usage adequacy

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To add a new usage adequacy, click on the button on the main screen toolbar. To edit the data of an adequacy, select it in the list of records and click on the button.


On the screen that will be displayed, fill out the following fields:





ID #

Enter the number or code that identifies the usage adequacy.


Enter a name for the usage adequacy.

Upper tolerance

Enter the value that corresponds to the upper uncertainty allowed for the usage.

Lower tolerance

Enter the value that corresponds to the lower uncertainty allowed for the usage.


Enter the value that will be applied to the usage tolerance as a security factor.

Measurement unit

Select the measurement unit used in usage adequacy. The measurement units available for selection will be those recorded in the SE Asset component. Use the other buttons next to the field to add a measurement unit, associate it with the adequacy and clear the field.


After that, save the record.


In practical terms:

A determined process accepts the uncertainty, that is, the error of 15 kilograms (Upper tolerance + Lower tolerance). However, it will not be possible to leave the asset with the acceptable error of 15 kilograms, because, over time, it may be damaged and increase weight and, consequently, exceed the tolerance. For that, the system will use a reducer to decrease the tolerance accepted in the asset that, in the example, is 3 kilograms.

Process tolerance =


reducer =


Then the asset may have an uncertainty of up to 5 kilograms (15/3).