To add a new cause type, click on the button on the main toolbar.
On the screen that will be opened, enter an ID # and a name for the company type.
The following fields can be configured:
Upper level type: Fill out this field for the type to be hierarchically added below another type. In this case, select the desired cause type. If a cause type is selected in the main screen hierarchy, this field will be filled out by the system, but it will be possible to edit it.
Use mask for identification:
When adding companies to this type, the automatic identification resource will be used. The following fields will be enabled:
▪Identification mask: Select the desired identification mask. Use the other buttons next to the field to add a new mask, use it to generate the ID # and clear the field. |
The ID #s must be manually entered by the user who is adding the company to this type.
Enable ID # change
Check this option to allow the generated ID # to be manually edited when adding the cause to this type.
If it is not checked, the generated ID # may not be edited.
Save the record.