Competence type: Select the type that classifies the competence used in the mapping that you wish to search.
Competence: Select the competence used in the mapping that you wish to search.
ID #: Enter the competence ID # used in the mapping that you wish to search.
Name: Enter the competence name used in the mapping that you wish to search.
Learning method type: Select the type that classifies the learning method related to the competence used in the mapping that you wish to search.
Learning method: Select the learning method related to the competence used in the mapping that you wish to search.
Document: Select the document related to the competence used in the mapping that you wish to search.
Mapping: Use the following fields to locate the desired record through the criteria assigned to the competence in the mapping:
▪Requirement: Expand the list and check the options corresponding to the mapped requirement for the competence. ▪Proficiency scale: Select the proficiency scale used by the competence in the mapping. ▪Revision: Select the proficiency scale revision used by the competence in the mapping. ▪Demanded level: Select the mapped proficiency level for the competence. ▪Weight: Enter a range of numbers that covers the weight assigned to the competence level in the mapping.