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Defining the information type that will be displayed through the watermark

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To define an information type, take the following steps:


1.Access the Configuration Document Watermark menu.


2.Select the desired configuration in the list of pending records and click on .


3.On the watermark configuration data screen, select the status.


4.Once done, on the listing at the bottom of the screen, click on the button to add a new text or select a text previously associated with the list of records and click on to edit it.


5.In the Text item tab on the text item screen, select the button. On the screen that will be opened, in the Type field, the following options will be available for selection:


Object property

The watermark will be composed of a property of the document to which it will be applied. In the Item field, select the option that corresponds to the desired document property: category, ID #, title, revision or date.


The watermark will be composed of the value of an attribute that must be associated with the document. Select the desired attribute in the respective field. Use the other buttons next to the field to add a new attribute and use it in the watermark and clear the field.

If the selected attribute is of the "List of values" type, the value will be used without translation, that is, the translated values will not be applied to the watermark.


The watermark will be composed of a customized SE Suite token. The tokens are customized in the SE Configuration component, through the Configuration Customize Token (CM025) menu. In the Default text field, select the desired token.

Fixed text

The watermark will be composed of a specific text. In the Text field, enter the desired text. The text can even be a docvariable. To do that, enter the docvariable between "%": %docvariable%. It is important to point out that the docvariable must be the name of the configured metadata.

Logged user

The watermark will be composed of information of the logged user. In the Item field, select the option that corresponds to the desired logged user property: login, user ID, name, default department or default position.

Print date

The watermark will consist of the date on which the electronic file was printed. In the Format field, select the option that corresponds to the desired date format.

Print time

The watermark will consist of the time on which the electronic file was printed. In the Format field, select the option that corresponds to the desired date format.

Digital signature

The watermark will be composed of some information of the user who made the digital signature of the electronic file to which it will be applied. In the Item field, select the option that corresponds to the desired user property or to the desired digital signature: name, user ID, department, position, date, time or name - date - time.

Protocol data

The watermark will be composed of protocol data. This item type is applicable to controlled copies, as a copy protocol is generated in those cases, and some of its data can be used as a watermark. In the case of uncontrolled copies, if they are generated through the copy distribution screen, it is also possible to use the protocol data. In the Item field, select the option that corresponds to the protocol data you wish to use.

Link to file1

When generating the watermark, the system also generates a link to access the electronic file of the document to which it is being applied. In the Format field, select the option that corresponds to the link presentation format (QRCode or text).

Link to the signature portal1

The watermark will be a link to a portal in which it will be possible to sign the electronic file to which it will be applied. This portal can be accessed both by users with access to SE Suite and external users.

In the Format field, select the option that corresponds to the link presentation format (QRCode or text).

1 - Available only if the status to which the watermark is being configured is "Conversion to PDF".


6.Done this, save the record.