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Editing a metadata export

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It is possible to edit an existing metadata export configuration through the following SE Document menus/screens:

Through the Configuration Document Metadata export (DC052) menu. In this case, in the list of records, select the desired metadata export.

Through the data screen of the category with which the metadata export configuration is associated. In this case, access the Details Electronic file General Metadata export tab. It will be possible to edit the metadata configuration selected in the Configuration field. To perform this operation, the logged user must have the "Edit" control enabled in the category security list.


To do that, perform the following steps:

1.Click on the button.


2.On the data screen that will be displayed, edit the desired information. See below, in this section, the description of the fields and metadata available for configuration.


3.Save the record. The changes will be applied to the categories with which the export is associated and consequently to the documents.


The listing of the General tab displays all metadata used in the export configuration. Through the columns, it is possible to identify the name of the metadata, its type (if it is a property of the document, revision data etc.), the item to which it refers (document title, revision title etc.) and its format, if any (for example: if the metadata refers to a revision review, its format may be the name of the user who performed this operation).

For example, if the listed record is: DOC | Object property | ID # | -: it is understood that the DOC metadata refers to the document ID #.