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Creation with approval

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To create documents with the proper approval steps configured, perform the following steps:


1.Access the File Document menu.


2.Click on the arrow next to the button and select one of the following options:

Add new document: Select the category with the configured approval steps.

Add document using wizard: Select the category with the configured approval steps.


3.Fill out the necessary fields such as ID #, title, dates, etc.


4.Save/finish the document.


Note that the Approval option will be among the available options after saving the document.

The fields and buttons displayed will vary according to the approval process defined in the category:


Responsibility route

It is possible to view or define the responsible parties for the document approval. The completion of the information depends on the route type selected in the category. If it is a "Fixed & unique" route, this section may not be edited.



Responsibility route

Select the responsibility route for the approval of the document. If the route defined is "Fixed", it will only be possible to define another route through this field, however, it will not be possible to edit its members. Note that only the approval responsibility routes will be available for selection.

Approval type

Displays the approval type (Incremental or Circular) defined at the time of the responsibility route creation selected previously; however, it is possible to edit it.


Displays a number indicating the approval cycle that the document is going through. Each time the document is rejected and goes through approval again, the system increases a number. Select the previous cycles to view the members of the responsibility route that performed the approval.




Wait for all members approval*

The document will go to the next approval step after all route members release their tasks.

The document will go to the next approval step as soon as a member of the current step releases the task.

*It will be displayed checked or unchecked by the system according to the configurations performed when creating the route


If the route type defined in the category is "Variable", on the side toolbar of the list of records, the following buttons are available:

Allows adding a new user responsible for the approval of the document. Refer to the Configuring a responsibility route section to obtain a detailed description on how to perform this operation. Note that by adding a new responsible user to a route associated with the document approval, this inclusion will not be replicated to the route record made by the Configuration Responsibility route menu.

Allows editing the data of the responsible for approval selected in the list of records.

Allows deleting the responsible for approval selected in the list of records.



The information related to the instantiated process (workflow) for document approval will be displayed. On the side toolbar, the following buttons are available:

Allows viewing the data screen of the process selected in the list of records.

Allows viewing the flowchart of the process displayed in the list of records. Refer to the specific SoftExpert BPM Suite - Process Modeling (SE Process) component documentation for more details on process flowcharts.

Allows viewing the history of the process displayed in the list of records.


Refer to the SE Process specific documentation for more information on the process history and data screen.

Refer to the SE Workflow specific documentation for further details on process instance and activity execution.

After the responsible parties execute the "Survey planning" task and send it to the next step, the system will generate the "Survey planning approval" task for the responsible parties to evaluate the information and approve it or reject it.