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Executing the document indexing

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When a document with indexing control is created, but not sent to the next step when the record is saved, it is possible to perform this operation later, through the following locations:


The execution of the document indexing can be performed in the following locations:

File Document

Execution Indexing (valid only for Staff license)

My tasks Execution Document indexing


1.On the main screen, locate and select the topic that is with the Indexing status and that will be sent to the next step.


2.After that, click on the button in the toolbar:

If the Indexing approval option has been checked in the Control tab Indexing section of its category, the "Document approval" task will be generated for the responsible parties.

Otherwise, it will be released.


If the type of the document's electronic file is "Single" and it contains a template form, when it is released, the form will be converted to pdf and displayed in the Electronic file section, as long as the "Publish PDF files" option is checked in the category.