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Exporting structure

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The system enables the FMEA structure to be exported to an Excel spreadsheet. Thus, the required data can be included and then imported into the system. See how to perform the export:



On the FMEA toolbar, on the structure screen, click on the Export button. On the new screen that opens, fill in the following fields:

Form: Select the form type to be exported. Remember that each letter represents a form of the standard and the number and availability of forms varies for each FMEA type (design, process, project schedule, object or asset). See below the options available:

Form A: Basic form (with minimal information). It has prevention and detection controls in separate columns.

Form B: Form that has "Item/Function" or "Step/Process function" and "Requirements" in separate columns. Assists in determining failure modes.

Form C: Form A with the "Prevention controls" column to the left of the "Occurrences" column. Displays best the relationship between prevention controls and occurrence classification.

Form D: Forms B and C combined.

Form E: Form D with separate columns for "Current design detection controls" (Cause and failure mode). It highlights the need to consider cause-related controls.

Form F: Form B with separate columns for "Responsibility and deadline", "Actions taken" and "Effective date of completion". Allows sorting by dates.

Form G: Form B with "Id.", "Product" and "Process" within a subdivided "Requirements" column. Provides consistency between process flow, PFMEA, and control plan.

Form H: Forms D and G combined.

Import form: Default form for importing the structure into Excel. Use this form to be able to import the spreadsheet after the adding data to the spreadsheet.

File name: Enter the name of the spreadsheet that will be exported.

Format: Select whether the spreadsheet format will be .xls or .xlsx.



Click on the button to export the spreadsheet. At this point, the spreadsheet will be exported.