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Data source - Dataset

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When an external service data source is selected, the configuration to use external data must be performed. See how to set this configuration:


In the form designer, select the desired item:

If the item type is List of values, in the properties panel, select the External option and click on the Data source button.

If the item type is Button, in the properties panel, click on the Data source button.

The following screen will be displayed:


Step 1 - Data source

In this step, select the data source that will be used. You may use Data source or Web Service data source. Use the Search based on type field to find the desired data source more easily. After selecting the data source, click on the Next button.


From this step on, this document will describe the steps when selecting a dataset type data source. To use a Data source, it must have already been configured in SE Administration. The procedure to create a data source is described in the SE Administration documentation.

See the configuration procedure to use a data source from a Web Service in the Data source - Web Service section.




Step 2 - Dataset

In this step, the system will display the datasets that have been built from the data source selected previously. Select the desired dataset and click on the Next button.




Step 3 - Parameters

In this step, the user must enter the form field for each parameter. Select, for each of the displayed parameters, the field that will be associated. If the SQL of the selected dataset has no parameter to be entered, just continue to the next step. After entering all the parameters, click on the Next button.


The parameter is an SQL condition determined by =:.
Ex: where idlogin =:ParamLogin




Step 4 - Persist info

In this step, the user must enter which SQL columns will be persisted. For each column, you must enter a field of the form. After entering the desired data, click on Next.




After you have made all the desired configurations, click on the Finish button to complete the record.