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Knowledge base record

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To create a knowledge base, access the "File arrowrgray Knowledge base" menu and click on the new button.


At this point, the knowledge base data screen will be displayed:




Fill out the following fields:

ID #: Enter the ID # of the knowledge base.

Responsible: Enter the user responsible for the knowledge base. During creation, this field is automatically filled out with the logged user (who is creating it), but it can be edited by another user.

Color: Define a color for the knowledge base.

If desired, it is also possible to add a presentation image to the knowledge base. To do so, click on the button with the folder icon and select one of the images displayed by the system, or upload a file from your computer.


The color and the image defined at this point are displayed in the knowledge base card when the portal is configured to display all bases.


To create a knowledge base, it is necessary to fill out the fields in the General data section. After saving the data for the first time, the Security and Category sections will be available to be filled out.


hmtoggle_arrow1General data