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System auditing

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Location: View System auditing





Executed activities



From this menu, it is possible to monitor the various operations performed in the problems started in the system, as well as in its activities, in order to control and verify the improper accesses.


Specific buttons:

Click on this button to activate the OLAP Analysis resource and analyze the result obtained in the view.

Click on the arrow located on the right side of this button to configure and issue the system auditing report and other possible report options available to the menu.


Use the filters described below to locate the desired records through specific information. To use them, go to the Search filters panel and click on the button to add advanced filters.


For more details on the Search panel and other view operations, refer to the "User guide Views" section.




After filling out the required filters, click on the SEARCH button in the Search filters panel to search or press the ENTER key on your keyboard.