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See how to stratify collection data in a quick and easy way in the "Stratify collection data" topic of the SE SPC Quick Guide!


Location: View Stratification



Stratifying is to divide information (data) into groups (or strata), which makes up a tool for the search of the causes or origins of a problem. Stratification is essential for creating charts and is one of the seven tools used for quality control.

Through this menu, it is possible to group some characteristics, for their influence in the process to be analyzed separately.


Specific buttons:

When clicked, opens the data screen of the record selected on the main screen.

Click on this button to analyze the obtained result.

Click on the arrow, located next to this button, to generate conformity, data collection, data collection/characteristic reports, or to export the listing of the records presented on the main screen to an Excel file, set up a new report, or associate an existing report or to consult the parameters that can be used in the configuration of new reports.


Use the search filters described below to locate the desired record(s) based on specific information. To use such filters, go to the Search filters panel and click on the button to add filters.


For more details about the "Search panel" and other view operations, check the "User guide Views" section.


Data collection
Characteristic attributes
Work shift