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SE SPC (Statistical Process Control) is a tool that assists the organization in a detailed analysis of the results as well as in the taking of corrective and preventive actions for continuous improvement. SE SPC uses statistical tools which process the collected information and alert any sign of process decontrol, reducing the occurrence of scrap and unproductive times in manufacturing, as well as comprising features for the organization, sorting, and search, which offer a simple and immediate access to information in the form of spreadsheets and charts.

All SE SPC parameters are configurable, which enables adapting them to the characteristics of any type of manufacturing process. It also contains an automatic acquisition feature, which collects data directly from the measurement equipment.


SE SPC is divided in the following menus:



Allows configuring the scheduling of the CMM file import, attributes to compose the collections, and the teams responsible for the collections. Allows defining the general SPC parameterizations, in addition to configuring occurrences, view profiles, work shifts, and measurement units that can be used to configure the collections, among other resources.



Allows creating characteristics, defects, and objects that can be used to record collections, as well as configuring new CMM files to import data.



Allows tracking the collections (enabling, editing, and postponing), tracking the process simulations, and deleting and planning collections.



Allows executing data collections and recording the occurrences found in them.



Allows viewing the collections, event logs, stratification, occurrences, and tasks.


For a better understanding about the features of the SE SPC component, access our Training Store and get the full online training.

If you are subscribed to the Infinity plan, which offers full access to courses, access the training of this component through the Infinity learning option in the Help center.

Refer to the Quick guide to learn about the basic operations of SE SPC in a quick and easy way!