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SE Storeroom is a system focused on the management of stocks, storerooms, and inventories. It provides users with access to historical information of events held at material storage locations, their inputs, and outputs, as well as below-optimal level alerts. SE Storeroom supplies maintenance and manufacturing plans of products, keeping control of in-stock items and guaranteeing the availability of materials for operational activities through the setting of minimum values for purchase and receipt orders. In addition, it ensures users that material storage locations are working to optimal levels. 

Tools for the monitoring and control of stock levels, as well as for the automation of purchase orders, are included to optimize the availability of items for future tasks and to reduce exceeding inventory balances and any costs related to processes.

SE Storeroom automatically notifies those responsible when the stock level in the storerooms is low or enters the margin of safety. Through the automated management of storerooms, the daily routine of work performed by the teams is recorded and monitored.


SE Storeroom is divided into the following menus:



Allows configuring the general resources of the system, such as attributes, checklists, teams, routes, storeroom types, in addition to setting the SE Storeroom configurations through the general parameters, etc.



Allows creating different storerooms, in addition to all storeroom-related customers, suppliers, transporters and locations.



Allows approving events and balance adjustments, confirming transfers, executing product input and output events, transferring items from one storeroom to another, among other operations.



Allows managing balance adjustments and transport deletion.



Allows running searches in the system referring to storerooms using specific information.


For a better understanding about the features of the SE Storeroom component, access our Training Store and get the full online training.

If you are subscribed to the Infinity plan, which offers full access to courses, access the training of this component through the Infinity learning option in the Help center.

Refer to the Quick guide to learn about the basic operations of SE Storeroom in a quick and easy way!