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Association wizard

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To associate indicators and elements previously created in the system using the association wizard, click on the Associate option on the toolbar.


The association wizard is divided according to the image below. The alphabetical letters identify each available item:





The first panel displays the elements divided in groupers that correspond to their types. The types of elements available for association will be those defined in the Structure tab of the framework related to the scorecard.

The Indicators grouper displays the indicators recorded in the system.

Use the button next to each set of items (element and indicators types) to expand it.


The Toolbar displays the buttons that allow associating and disassociating elements/indicators from the scorecard structure.


The second panel displays the structure of the scorecard in which the association will be performed. To rearrange the items in the scorecard structure, click, drag, and drop them at the desired location of the structure. It is important to point out that it is not possible to drag items from the first panel and drop them in the second panel.


The following operations may be performed:

hmtoggle_arrow1Associate elements and indicators
hmtoggle_arrow1Disassociate elements and indicators


After associating/disassociating the desired elements/indicators, click on the Save and exit button. Use the Exit button to close the screen without saving the changes made.