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Adding a question group

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Question groups can be created through the following locations:


Configuration arrowrgray Question group menu:

a. By clicking on the new button on the main menu toolbar.

File arrowrgray Question menu:

a.By selecting a question and clicking on the edit button.

b.On the question data screen, by clicking on the new_small button on the "Questions group" field.


To add a question group, perform the following steps:


1.On the screen that will be opened, enter an ID # and a name for the question group.

2.Fill out the Upper level type1 field only if the group being added is a subgroup. In this case, select, in the aforementioned field, the question group that is hierarchically above it.

3.Select the image that will represent the question group.

4.Done this, save the record.


1 - This operation can also be performed by selecting the upper level type before clicking on the "Add" button (step 1).

2 - If new organizational subunits (whether they are business units or departments) are subsequently added, they will be automatically added to the security list.


Related links:

Adding a question

Survey structure