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Configuring the revision via workflow

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For a survey to be revised via workflow, it is necessary to have implemented the following steps and configurations:


1.On the survey type that must go through revision, access the Template revision tab.

2.Select the "Workflow" option in the Revision process field.

3.In the Process field, select the revision process that was duly designed and is able to be instantiated. See further details in the Revision process configuration section.

4.The ID #, Cycle, and Change fields will be displayed already filled out by the system; however, in some cases, they may be edited.

Select, according to the field, how the reference revision ID # / cycle number / revision change number of the survey templates of this type will be generated:

Numeric: A sequential number will be generated by the system. E.g.: 0, 1, 2, 3, ..., n;

Text: An alphabetical sequence will be generated by the system. E.g.: A, B, C, ..., AA, AB, ..., ZZ;

Customized: Allows the user to assign any value to the revision ID #.

5.On the Retain obsolete revisions up to field, enter the number of revisions/months/years that will remain in the history of the survey templates of this type.

6.The following options may be parameterized:




Require explanation to be filled out when revision is started

Filling out the "Explanation" field becomes mandatory when the survey templates revision is started.

Filling out the Explanation field will not be mandatory.

Require changes from draft step to be filled out

In the revision draft step, it will be mandatory for the drafter to enter the location of the survey templates and the change, in the "Change" tab of the revision data. This parameter is not valid for the first cycle of a document being issued.

The revision may be sent to the next step without entering the changes.

Block obsolete revision deletion

If enabled, obsolete revisions of survey templates cannot be deleted. Open revisions can be deleted.

Any obsolete or open revision can be deleted, whereas current revisions cannot be deleted in any case.

Enable ID # changes of revisions in the draft step

The ID # of the revision data screen may be edited during the creation of the first survey revision.

The ID # cannot be edited.


With these configurations, when creating a survey in the type, a revision will be created, and it will be possible to create revisions whenever necessary.


Related topics:

Survey type

Revision process configuration

Executing the revision