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Saved searches

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SE Suite allows saving searches performed in the system, which makes them readily available for access whenever necessary. The saving searches feature is available in several menus of the system. On the screens that list saved searches, there are two types of saved searches to be displayed:

My searches: In the "My searches" or "My saved searches" listing, the searches saved by the user will be displayed.

Public searches: In the "Public searches" or "Shared searches" listing, the searches saved by other system users in Public mode will be displayed.


hmtoggle_arrow1Saving a search
hmtoggle_arrow1Opening a saved search
hmtoggle_arrow1Managing saved searches
hmtoggle_arrow1Updating a saved search
hmtoggle_arrow1My saved searches
hmtoggle_arrow1Public searches
hmtoggle_arrow1Accessing all saved searches