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Mapping courses and paths for process/activity

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To associate mapped courses with a process or process activity, select the desired record in the listing of the second quadrant of the main screen. After that, click on the new button on the side toolbar of the third quadrant.


On the screen that will be opened, perform the following steps:





Use the search filters to find the desired courses or paths more easily.



After that, click on the SEARCH button.



The result will be displayed in the list of records. Select the desired courses or paths. To select more than one course or path at a time, use SHIFT or CTRL on the keyboard, or the checkbox next to each record.



Check the Required column option to indicate that the employee must have the selected course or path to perform the operations in the process or activity. Courses and paths that are not checked as required will be associated as desirable.



After that, save your selection.