See below how to configure a new validity:
1.Access the Configuration Document Validity menu.
2.Click on the option on the toolbar.
3.Enter an ID # and name for the validity.
4.Then fill in the following fields on the data screen:

Default time
Enter the number of days, months or years during which the documents will be valid. The default time is counted from the validity date of the document; thus, when this time expires, the "Document due date" task will be generated for the responsible parties, so that its revision/revalidation can be performed according to the configurations performed in the document.
Select this option so that, when revalidating the document, the "Validity" field is filled out by the system with the default time and cannot be edited.
Select this option so that, when revalidating the document, the "Validity" field is filled out by the system with the default time and it is possible to edit it.
Enable revalidation date to be changed
When revalidating the document, it will be possible to edit the Date field.
The Date field will be filled out by the system and may not be edited.
Notify before due date
The responsible party for revalidating the documents that had the validity configuration associated in the category will be notified through the "My Tasks" e-mail on the day before the previously defined default time expires. In that case, the following fields are available:
▪Notify before: Enter how many days in advance the notification will be sent. ▪Frequency: Enter the interval of days in which the notification will be sent. |
The responsible party for revalidating the documents will not be notified on the day before the previously defined default time expires.
Notify on due date
The responsible party for revalidating the documents that had the validity configuration associated in the category will be notified through the "My Tasks" e-mail on the day in which the previously defined default time expires.
The responsible party for revalidating the documents will not be notified on the day in which the previously defined default time expires.
Notify after due date
The responsible party for revalidating the documents that had the validity configuration associated in the category will be notified through the "My Tasks" e-mail on the day after the previously defined default time expired. In that case, the following fields are available:
▪Notify after: Enter the number if days past the due date in which the notification will be sent. ▪Frequency: Enter the interval of days in which the notification will be sent. |
The responsible part for the revalidation will not be notified after the expiration of the documents.
Subordinates' tasks
Allows defining other users to be notified of the expiration of the documents. To do that, configure the fields below.
Other users will not be notified of the expiration of the documents through the "Subordinates' tasks" e-mail notification.
Notify leader of responsible user
The "Subordinates' tasks" e-mail will be sent to the leader of the user responsible for the task. The following fields will also be enabled:
▪Go up: Enter the number of hierarchical levels above the leader of the user responsible for the task that will receive the e-mail. ▪Frequency: Enter the number of days that will make up the range in which the system will rise the hierarchy until reaching the previously configured level. |
The leader of the user responsible for the task will not be notified of the expiration through the "Subordinates' tasks" e-mail.
Specific user
The "Subordinates' tasks" e-mail will be sent to a specific SE Suite user. In the Responsible user field, select the name of the desired user. Use the other buttons next to the field to add a new user to be notified, fill out the field with the data of the logged user and clear it.
The "Subordinates' tasks" e-mail will not be sent to a specific user notifying them of the expiration.
If the "Default time" is later changed in the validity setting, this change will be applied in the next revision (provided it is Fixed) or revalidation of the documents already recorded and for the new documents that are included in the category that has the associated validity setting.
5.Save the record. At this point, the Approval tab will be enabled to be configured.
6.On the "Approval" tab, it is possible to determine that the documents with the validity configuration associated will go through certain approvals. To do that, check the "Approve" field and select one of the following routes:
Allows the route to be selected/edited during the revalidation, as well as allowing the editing of its members.
Allows the route to be selected/edited during the revalidation; however, it will not be possible to edit its members.
Fixed & unique
A default approval route will be set for all revalidations of the documents to which this configuration is applied. The route selected in the field described below cannot be edited during the revalidation (nor its members).
Responsibility route
Select the responsibility route for the approval of the revalidation. The completion of this field is mandatory if the route type is "Fixed & unique". If another route type option is selected and this field is filled in, during the revalidation, the system will use the informed route; however, it will be possible to edit it.
Only approval responsibility routes will be available for selection.
7.Save the record.
The configurations above do not overwrite the parameterizations referring to the system notifications in the SE Configuration component; they only complement them.