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Risk treatment addition

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Add treatment to risk

Who receives it:

Responsible user and team members responsible for the risk analysis.


The result obtained in the risk evaluation requires a treatment if the risk has no associated treatment.


To show that the risk analysis has an associated treatment, confirm the configuration of the result of the risk evaluation.


How to execute this task:



In the list of pending records, select the desired risk.



Click on the button to access the data screen of the plan to which the risk belongs.



Click on the button to add a treatment to the risk. At this point, the risk analysis screen will open in the Treatment section. See the detailed description on how to add a treatment to the risk in the Treating the risk section.



After saving the inclusion of the treatment and the analysis data, the risk will no longer appear in the records list.


If the added treatment has a response to the associated action risk, the Add action to treatment task is generated to create or associate an action plan or an isolated action with the treatment in question.