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Redefining activity data

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See in this section the operations that can be performed in the Resources control panel:


Edit activity data

If you need to change any maintenance information, such as rescheduling the execution period, changing the responsible for the execution, and associating resources, click on the name of the maintenance activity in the control panel. At this point, a screen containing the maintenance activity data that can be edited will be displayed.





To reschedule the period in which the activity is to be performed, complete the Planned start date and Planned end date fields with the dates that will define the new activity execution period.


If necessary, it is also possible to change the Description of the activity.


To change the activity executor, select the new Responsible team for execution and, if necessary, define the member of this team who will be the specific Executor of the maintenance.


When you click on the Add resource button, a screen will open where the resources of the activity in question should be selected.


Allocate technicians

There are two ways to perform the allocation of technicians, one is through the drag'n'drop feature and another is maintenance data.



With drag'n'drop feature, simply drag the activity from the Activity panel to the line that corresponds to the desired "Technician x Day".




After that, the system will display the maintenance screen, with the resource allocated for the selected day. Enter the number of hours that will be allocated for the technician to perform the maintenance activity.


Activity data

To allocate resources through activity data, click on the Add resource button and select the desired technicians. After that, enter the date and number of hours that will be allocated to each technician.





By clicking on the add button, a new Date and Allocation row will be added for the technician, allowing the user to quickly allocate the number of hours to be worked by the technician for several days. The delete button removes the defined allocation from the row where the button was fired.


Click on the Add resource button to add a new technician to the activity.


After assigning the technicians, click on the Confirm button to save the changes.



When you hover over the technicians in the Resources panel, an arrow will appear below the technician's name, which when clicked, will display in more detail the allocation made to the technician. Clicking on the rectangle that presents the resource allocation will show a balloon with a link (View), which when clicked, will also display the details of the technician's allocation.




Through this view, it is possible to identify where super overlays may be occurring. It is possible to do a quick check if the over-allocated hours can be distributed for the remaining days or if it is necessary to allocate the activity to another technician. The availability of the technician depends on the actual time that was entered since the timesheet overrides the planned allocation for a given activity.