Configuring an HTML/HTM file (with tags) |
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If the content of the e-mail is read from a template with an HTML/HTM extension, tags containing information (attributes) about the process may be created. The tags must have the following structure to be replaced by values of attributes: <#attribute_id#>.
In the <# #> tags you can use attribute ID #s in addition to the system methods. In addition to HTML files, the tags below can be used directly in the text field of the message event content: ▪getDateOfToday(): Shows the current date in the e-mail. ▪getHistory(): Adds a table with the summarized history of the instance. ▪getProcessField(<name of the field in the WFPROCESS process table>): Shows a process information field in the e-mail. ▪getAttribListMessage(): Shows the attributes list associated with the message event. ▪getViewInstanceLink(<text that will be displayed in the link that will be generated by the tag>): Returns the URL link that opens the instance data screen in viewing mode. ▪getViewInstanceURL(): Returns only the URL that opens the instance data screen in viewing mode. ▪getExecuteActivityLink(<text that will be displayed in the link that will be generated by the tag>, <ID # of the activity of the instance you wish to execute>, <order number of instance activity, when it has more than one activity with the same ID #>): Returns the URL link that opens the execution screen of the instance activity. ▪getExecuteActivityURL(<ID # of the activity of the instance you wish to execute>, <order number of instance activity, when it has more than one activity with the same ID #>): Returns only the URL that opens the execution screen of the instance activity. ▪getFieldValue(<entity ID #>, <field ID #>): Searches the value of the entity field. ▪getListValue(<entity ID #>, <relationship ID #>, <field ID #>): Searches the value of a field from the list of values. ▪getGridForm(<entity ID #>, <form ID #>, <relationship ID #>): Creates a table similar to the one used in the form. ▪getProcessSlaField(<IDLEVEL for SLA level or DTESTIMATEDFINISH for date deadline and NRTIMEESTFINISH for time deadline, formatted>): shows the information fields of the process SLA in the e-mail. ▪struppercase(<content>): Changes the content passed as a parameter to upper case. This tag can only be used if there is a survey template associated in the message event data. ▪strlowercase(<content>): Changes the content passed as a parameter to lower case. This tag can only be used if there is a survey template associated in the message event data. ▪strtofirst(<content>): Displays the first part of the content passed as a parameter. This tag can only be used if there is a survey template associated in the message event data. ▪strtolast(<content>): Displays the last part of the content passed as a parameter. This tag can only be used if there is a survey template associated in the message event data. ▪getNameUser(): Displays the full name of the user. This tag can only be used if there is a survey template associated in the message event data. ▪getNameSurvey(): Displays the name of the survey. This tag can only be used if there is a survey template associated in the message event data. ▪getSurveyLink(): Shows the URL link by which it is possible to access a survey to answer it. This tag can only be used if there is a survey template associated in the message event data.
Notified users will receive the e-mail above configured in the following format. The notified users are selected at the moment of configuring the message event in process modeling:
If you wish to apply a style on the label and the attribute value, the HTML/HTM template under "attrib_label" and "attrib_value" should be set, respectively. See the code example:
E-mail sending with form fields
To send form fields in the e-mail of the process message event, the user must configure the html template of the e-mail using some tags:
<#getFieldValue(ENTITY_ID, FIELD_ID)#>: Searches for the entity field value. ENTITY_ID: Entity ID #. The entity should be associated with a process activity. FIELD_ID: Entity attribute ID #. <#getListValue(ENTITY_ID, RELATIONSHIP_ID, FIELD_ID)#>: Searches for the field value of the list of values. ENTITY_ID: Entity ID #. The entity should be associated with a process activity. RELATIONSHIP_ID: Relationship ID # between the main entity and the list of entity values. E.g.: customer. FIELD_ID: Attribute ID # of the list of values entity. E.g.: customername. <#getGridForm(ENTITY_ID, FORM_ID, RELATIONSHIP_ID)#>: Creates a table that is similar to the one used in the form. ENTITY_ID: Entity ID #. The entity should be associated with a process activity. FORM_ID: Form ID # that contains the grid. RELATIONSHIP_ID: Relationship ID # of the grid used in the form.
The image below shows an example of a process with the message event:
The image below shows an example of an e-mail sent with the values of the form fields:
The image below shows an example of a template with html tags:
The image below shows the source code used in the template: |