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Configuring a proficiency scale

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To add a new proficiency scale, click on the new button on the toolbar on the second quadrant of the main screen.


To edit the data of a scale, select it in the list of records of the second quadrant and click on the edit button on the toolbar in the third quadrant. This operation can only be performed if the status of the scale is "Issue" or "Draft".


On the screen that will be opened, enter an ID # and a name for the proficiency scale. To enter an ID # more easily, the button next to the field can be used to generate a new sequential number.




Save the record. At this point, the following tabs will be available to be configured:


hmtoggle_arrow1Proficiency level


Save the record after performing the necessary configurations. Refer to the Releasing a proficiency scale section for detailed description on how to finish drafting the proficiency scale and release it to be used.