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Configuring a conditional expression

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See how to configure a conditional expression in an action (activity/decision) or in a target (system activity):



To create conditional expressions, click on the new button and fill out the following fields of the data screen that will open up:




Order: Enter the number indicating the verification sequence of the conditional expression. For example, an order 1 expression will be the first to be verified.

Name: Enter a name to identify the conditional expression in the action.

Target: Each conditional expression has its own target, which is one of the output flows destination items of the activity/decision being executed. If no conditional expression is executed, the one selected on the General tab will be the valid one. Remember that the system will only list the output flow destination items of activity/decision in which the action is being created.



On the Description tab, enter additional information about the conditional expression.



After saving the data described so far, it will be possible to enter information on conditional expression items.



On the Items tab, create the items that make up conditional expression. A conditional expression can cause a specific action to be performed based on the value entered in the attribute, during the execution of the process. See how to add items of conditional expression:


1_auxnmbClick on the new button and select the desired attribute on the selection screen. Remember that the system displays only attributes associated with the process in question.


After saving the selection, the attribute will be displayed in the listing so that the remaining information is filled out:

Open parenthesis: Item opening parenthesis.

Attribute: In this column, the previously selected attribute will be displayed.

Operator: Select the comparison operator for the expression item. For example: VALUE > THAN U$100.00.

Close parenthesis: Item closing parenthesis.

Value: After saving the record, enter or select the attribute value for comparison in the expression item.

AND/OR: Select the logical operator, if the subject item has more than one nested attribute. For example: VALUE > THAN U$100.00 AND CITY = NEW YORK.


Click on the save button to save the performed configuration. Repeat this procedure for the other items that will compose the conditional expression. Use the up and down buttons to change the verification order of each conditional expression item.



Save conditional expression after filling out the fields above.