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Creating process simulations

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To create a process simulation, execute the following steps:


1.Access the Management Process simulation menu.


2.On the main screen toolbar, click on .


3.On the screen that will be displayed, enter an ID # and a name for the simulation.



4.Fill out the following fields in the Configuration tab:

# of readings: Enter the number of readings to be made on each sample.

# of samples: Enter the number of samples that will be collected.

Limits: Select the limit type for the specifications:

Bilateral: Will define the upper and lower limits of the specification.

Unilateral up: Will only define the upper limit of the specification.

Unilateral down: Will only define the lower limit of the specification.

Decimal places: Enter the number of decimal places that will be used in the readings of the characteristic.

Measurement unit: Select the measurement unit that will be used in the measurement.

Nominal value: Enter the expected value for the variable characteristic in question.

Upper tol.: Enter the acceptable value above the nominal value for the process to be considered under statistical control. Through this tolerance, the system automatically calculates the USL - Upper specification limit for the characteristic in question.

Lower tol.: Enter the acceptable value below the nominal value for the process to be considered under statistical control. Through this tolerance, the system automatically calculates the LSL - Lower specification limit - for the characteristic in question.

Edit simulation after saving: Check this field for the system to display the process simulation screen after saving and closing the data screen of the simulation in question.


Save the record.


If the "Edit simulation after saving" field is selected, the process simulation screen will be displayed. Refer to the Editing a process simulation section for details on how to perform the simulation editing.

If the field is not selected, the process simulation screen may be accessed later through the edit button, as described in the Editing a process simulation section.