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Occurrence identification

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Location: Execution arrowrgray Occurrence identification







Notification group

Probable cause

Document (SE Document)

Process (SE Process)

Item (SE PDM)

Audit (SE Audit)

Workflow (SE Workflow)

Indicator (SE Performance)

Control group

Attachment type



The ISO 9001:2000 standard states that: "the organization must identify and control the products and processes which are not in conformity with their requirements". In order to meet this standard, the system ensures the clear identification of any occurrence regarding its products and processes through the collection of all data relevant to the item in question.


Specific buttons:


Click on this button to edit the occurrence identification record selected in the list of records. See further details about this operation in the Editing an occurrence section.


Click on this button to delete the occurrence identification record selected in the list of records.


Click on this button to issue a report with the data of the identified occurrence. Select the desired record before clicking on the button. The information that will be displayed in the report may be predefined in the classification of the occurrence in question.


Click on this button to issue a customized report with the data of the identified occurrence selected in the list of records.


Click on this button to search for the occurrence identifications recorded in the system. This button will only be displayed if the search filters are displayed.


Click on this button to clear the information entered in the search filters located on the left side of the main screen. This button will only be displayed if the search filters are displayed.


Click on this button to display/hide the search filters located on the left side on the main screen. Use them to easily find the records through specific information.