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Associating attributes with types and categories

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The screens where types are created (configuration menus) generally allow adding attributes that will be used by the types, but other screens may also allow adding attributes. See how to proceed in those cases:



1.Click on the button of this tab to associate the attributes that will complement the record data. The following selection screen will be displayed:



2.In the upper part of the screen, fill out the search fields that will help retrieve attributes that will be associated with the record;


3.Click on the button of the toolbar to perform search. Respective attributes display in the list of records;


4.Configure in the following columns, the standard value the attribute should display and/or the obligation to fill out some attribute:

Default value: Enter a default value for the attribute, which will be filled out automatically when the activity is programmed/executed.

R (Required): By checking this field at the moment of programming/executing the activity, filling out the attribute value will be required.

B (Blocked): Check this field so that at the moment of programming/executing the activity, the value entered in the Default value field is displayed only for viewing, that is, it will not be possible to edit it. Note that this option will not be available in all the components of SE Suite, but only in some.


5.To perform the association, select the desired attributes from the list of pending records and save them. Select more than one record at a time if necessary.