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Creating portfolio scenario

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See how to add a new scenario to a portfolio:


1.On the side toolbar of the Scenario section, click on the button.


2.Fill in the following fields on the screen that will be displayed:




ID #

Enter a number or code to identify the scenario.


Enter a name for the scenario.

From an existing one

Enable this option to add a new scenario from a scenario previously created for the portfolio in question. In the respective field, select the desired scenario. Use the other buttons next to the field to view the data of the selected scenario and clear the field.


3.Next, click on OK.


4.At this point, the scenario data screen will be displayed. If the scenario was created from an existing one, the field described as follows will be filled in by the system with the data of the source scenario.



5.In the General data section, the fields with the previously entered ID # and Name of the scenario are displayed, but it is possible to edit them. It is also possible to enter a Description for the scenario in question.


6.In the Prioritize objective section, it is possible to assign a score to the objectives associated with the portfolio. To do that, in the field of the Percentage column, enter the percentage that matches the objective of the portfolio in question. Enable the Use evaluation method option to use an evaluation method to give a score to the objectives. In this case, select in the respective field the desired evaluation method. The section will be divided in two panels. In the first panel, the portfolio objectives will be displayed, whereas in the second panel, the desired option to give the score to the criterion selected in the first panel must be selected. The portfolio objective percentage will be calculated by the system according to the selected criterion.


7.Use the Next button at the bottom of the screen to access the next step it is in.


8.In the Prioritize structure section, it is possible to assign a score to the projects and programs that compose the portfolio regarding the objective. To do that, in the column corresponding to the Portfolio objective, enter a score (from 1 to 100) for the project/program regarding the objective in question. Enable the Use the list of predefined values option to use scores pre-configured by the system. In this case, select the desired option in the column that corresponds to the Portfolio objective to give a score to the project/program.


9.In the Result section, the projects and programs that compose the portfolio will be displayed, ordered in a descending manner by the percentage reached in the previously performed prioritization.


10.In the Finance section, it is possible to simulate a budget for the portfolio in the scenario being simulated. See how to configure a budget:


After clicking on the button, a screen for configuring the budget will be displayed. In the Budget type field, select the desired option:

Simple: Allows configuring the total values for the fixed costs and revenues and the resources. In the Start and End fields in the Period section, it is possible to enter the date range that composes the budget period.

Detailed: Allows configuring the values for the fixed costs and revenues and the resources, according to the defined period. To do that, in the Period section, enter the start and end dates of the budget period and select its type: monthly, bimonthly, quarterly, four-month-period, biannual and yearly. If, later on, the period type is edited, the system will readjust the budget values according to the selected period.


Once done, click on confirm.


At this point, the main panel will display the fields to fill out the budget values according to the previously performed type configuration:

Simple: The fields to enter the total values budgeted for the fixed revenues and the resources, as well as the fixed costs and the project resources, will be displayed. If in the Configurations Project Finance section the option to classify the costs in capital and operational is checked, it will be possible to enter the total values for the costs of the capital and operational types and those without classification.

Detailed: The fields to enter the total values budgeted for the fixed revenues and the resources, as well as the fixed costs and the resources, will be displayed, divided according to the period type configured. If the option to classify the costs in capital and operational is checked in the Configurations section, the system will display sub-groupers to show the total values for the costs of the capital and operational types and those without classification. To enter a cost/revenue, click on the icon next to each grouper and, on the screen that will open, locate and select the cost/revenue type that will classify the value and save the selection. Select as many cost/revenue types as desired. The defined types will be displayed below the cost and revenue grouper in the budget structure. Enter, in the enabled fields, the values budgeted for each cost/revenue type within the displayed period. Click on the icon next to each cost/revenue type to remove it from the budget structure. To enter the cost and revenue values regarding the resources, simply fill out the available fields with the desired values.


After entering the desired values, click on the Save button. If the budget type is "Detailed", buttons that allow browsing through the budget period, as well as expanding/contracting its entire structure, will be available.


11.In the Analyze budget section, the system analyzes the projects and program that compose the portfolio, according to the configurations previously performed in the scenario. In the upper part of this section, the following charts are available:


Efficient frontier

Displays a line with the possible solutions for the scenario, highlighting the chosen solution.

Objective x Budget

Displays the budget distributed for each objective in the portfolio according to its prioritized value.


Displays all scenario projects in a budget and prioritized value vision, highlighting the selected ones from those that were not selected.


12.In the list of records in the lower part of the Analyze budget section, the system displays the projects and programs that compose the portfolio divided in two groups: "Selected" and "Unselected". The selected ones are the objects with higher value in relation to the objectives and that fit in the budget, whereas the unselected ones are the objects that have lower values than the others or do not meet the restrictions of the portfolio budget. In order to simulate other values within the scenario, it is possible to access the Finance section described previously, edit the value of the portfolio budget, return to the "Analyze budget" section and click on the Recalculate button. If the user wishes to move a project/program that is in the "Unselected" group to the "Selected" group or vice-versa, it is only necessary to select the "Force-in" or "Force-out" option in the "Force in/out" column of the desired project/program.


13.Use the options in the Record palette to save the scenario information.


14.Click on the Activate option to apply the scenario budget structure and data to the portfolio. Click on OK to confirm this operation. After activating a scenario, the projects and programs in the "Unselected" group will be removed from the portfolio structure, but they will be displayed in the scenario. If there are projects selected in the scenario that have not been removed from the portfolio structure, they will be added again.