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Adding a scorecard template

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To add a new scorecard template, click on the arrow next to the new button on the main screen toolbar and select one of the following options:

Add: Allows creating a blank scorecard template. On the screen that will be displayed, select the type that will classify the scorecard template that will be added and save the selection. To successfully add a scorecard template, the logged-in user must have the Add control allowed in the security list of the selected type.

New from a template: Allows creating a template based on another scorecard template created previously. On the screen that will be displayed, locate and select the template from which the template will be created and save the selection.

New from existing: Allows you to create a template from a scorecard. On the screen that will be displayed, locate and select the scorecard from which the template will be created and save the selection.


On the scorecard template data screen that will be displayed, fill out the fields of the following subsections in the General data section:




hmtoggle_arrow1General data


Save the record. At this point, the other sections will be enabled to be filled out. Refer to the Editing a scorecard template section for a detailed description about the fields that will be displayed.


If the template was created from another template or from a scorecard, some fields may be filled out with the information of the record that originated it.

It is also possible to create several scorecard templates at the same time through the import of an .xls spreadsheet. It is also possible to import: elements, indicators and sub-indicators for its structure.