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Configuring the question type

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On the question general data screen, in the Question type field, perform the following configurations:


1.Choose the desired question type:

Single selection: The question will have a list of possible answers, where only one may be selected.

Multiple selection: The question will have a list of possible answers, from which more than one answer may be selected.

Others: The question will have a list of possible answers, from which more than one answer may be selected.

2.Then, select the structure that will sort the answers:

Vertical: The answer options will be displayed vertically, that is, one under the other.

Horizontal: The answer options will be displayed horizontally, that is, one beside the other.

Vertical matrix1: The questions and answer options will be displayed in a matrix, with the questions aligned vertically.

Horizontal matrix1: The questions and answer options will be displayed in a matrix, with the questions aligned horizontally.

In list: The answer options will be displayed in a selection list by means of a combobox.

Long description: The answer will be descriptive and may contain a longer text.

Short description: The answer will be descriptive and may contain a word or a brief text.

Date/Time1: The answer option will allow selecting a date and time.

Date1: The answer option will allow selecting a date.

Time1: The answer option will allow selecting a time.

Classification1: The answer options may be classified by preference order, by using the numeric options or by dragging and dropping.


If the selected structure is "Vertical matrix" or "Horizontal matrix", it will be necessary to add complementary questions through the following section:


Matrix questions

1.Add the other questions that will be displayed on the matrix in the field of the Matrix questions column.

To add a new line to a new question, press ENTER on the keyboard or click on the add button next to the existing line. To add several questions at the same time, click on the Add multiple questions option and, on the screen that will open, enter all desired questions and click on Save. Note that each question must be in a different line.

To delete a line, click on the remove button next to the line you wish to delete.

To change the order of the questions, simply click on the desired question, keep pressing the mouse button and drag the question to the desired position.

2.Allow checking the same answer for all questions: Check this option so that, during the survey execution, a checkbox that allows selecting all options of a column as the answer to every question in the matrix is displayed.


If the question type is "Vertical", "Horizontal", "Vertical matrix", "Horizontal matrix", "In list", and "Classification", it will be necessary to add and configure the answers to the question through the following section:



1. Enter the desired answers for the questions in the field of the Answers column.

To add a new line to a new answer, press ENTER on the keyboard or click on the add button next to the existing line. To add several answers at the same time, click on the Add multiple answers option. Note that each answer must be in a different line. After entering all desired answers, click on Save.

To delete a line, click on the remove button next to the line you wish to delete.

To change the order of the answers, simply click on the desired answer, keep pressing the mouse button and drag the answer to the desired position.

2.Enable the Right1 column to indicate that the answer is the correct answer for the question. If the question type is "Multiple selection", it will be possible to check more than one answer as right. If the field is not enabled, the question status will be considered "invalid", that is, the answers will be considered wrong.

3.On the Score1 2 column, enter the score for the answer. The score will only have an actual application in questions that are associated with surveys with the "Allow score" option enabled.

4.On the Comments2 column, enable the field for it to be possible to enter a comment when this answer is selected.

5.On the Comments required column, enable the field for it to be mandatory to enter a comment when this answer is selected.

6.On the Default2 column, enable the field to check the answer as default for the question. That is, the answer will be displayed already selected, but it will be possible to edit it when answering the survey.

7.Enable the Require the completion of the attachment when answering the question3 so that, when selecting the answer in question, it is required to add an attachment.

8.Click on the Image4 icon to add an image for the answer. On the screen that will open, it is possible to select a default (in this case, select the desired icon) or a specific (in this case, drag or select a file to represent the answer) image.

Enable the Hide text option so that the answer text is not displayed, just the selected image. If this option is not enabled, both text and image will be displayed. After defining the desired image, save the record.


1 - It will not be available if the "Evaluative question" option is not enabled.

2 - It will only be displayed if the question type is not "Classification".

3 - It will only be available for selection if the "Allow attachment when answering the question" option is also enabled.

4 - It will only be displayed after saving the record for the first time if the question type is not "In list" or "Classification".