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My tasks

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Through this resource user knows all pending records that are under his responsibility. These tasks must be executed within deadlines established, so that they are not delayed and do not compromise a step in the use of system flow.


To access tasks, click on "My tasks" on the menu panel, as shown in the following image:





When the user accesses tasks panel, they will notice there are two kinds of tasks:




The number displayed in each task corresponds to the number of pending tasks, either execution or tracking. Above the "Execution" menu, the user can see the total number of tasks that are pending.


Tasks status

SE Suite tasks are flagged with icons according to their statuses:


Indicates the task execution is on time.


Indicates the task execution is close to due date.


Indicates the task execution is past due.


Executing tasks

1.Select the desired task in the list of pending records.


2.Click on the corresponding buttons of the toolbar to execute the task:


Click on this button to edit the data of the pending record. Remember after saving record changes, the system can notify whether the record will be sent to the next step (item 4).


Click on this button to execute the task. Remember the system can ask the user to fill out some data of pending record for some executions. When the user saves the changes, it can ask them whether they wish to send the record to next step (item 4).


If the record is in the toolbar, the pending record can be deleted.


3.Depending on the task being executed, the user may have to fill out some fields; check in the component documentation how to complete the fields with the necessary data for the task.


4.Save the record after filling in the necessary fields. At this point the task will exit the list of pending records. If the task is part of some route or flow, it will advance to next step.