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Editing/Adding the task type flowchart

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To edit a workspace, first access the "Management arrowrgray Workspace" menu.

Locate the desired workspace and click on the edit button; however, you must be a member of the Management team defined in the workspace, or you will not have permission to edit the data.


On the workspace data screen, access the Task flow tab.


Adding a new relationship

Click on the link button to add a new task flow relationship or on the editbutton to edit a relationship that does not have tasks in the board yet. The following screen will appear:




On this screen, select a task type and a flowchart. Then, save to register the addition.


The following option will also be available:

Tasks of this type are initiatives: Enable this configuration to make the previously selected task type exclusive to classify "initiatives".

Tasks of this type are sub-tasks: Enable this configuration to make the previously selected task type exclusive to classify "sub-tasks".


Editing the task type flow

The following screen will be displayed when editing a type that already has tasks in the board.

Note that, when editing the flowchart, it will be necessary to map the new step to each step of the current flowchart:


Editing a relationship (Task type x Flowchart) with tasks in the board

Editing a relationship (Task type x Flowchart) with tasks in the board



It is not possible to set a second flowchart for the same task type.