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Occurrence deletion

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Location: Management arrowrgray Occurrence deletion



Classification (it must be set that the occurrence may be deleted).


Expired retention period.



Through this menu, the user with the due permission may delete undesired occurrences or those that reached the retention deadline defined in the classification. These occurrences will be deleted from the system without the possibility of recovering them.


Specific buttons:


Click on this button to locate the occurrences you wish to delete. The system will only display the occurrences whose classifications allow them to be deleted. If the occurrences you wish to delete do not have an Expired retention period, uncheck the respective option in the search filters located on the left side of the screen. The automatic search can be configured in the general parameters.


Click on this button to clear the information entered in the search filters located on the left side of the main screen.


Click on this button to display/hide the search filters located on the left side on the main screen. Use them to easily find the records through specific information.

bt_marcar todas

Click on this button to select all the occurrences listed on the main screen.

bt_desmarcar todas

Click on this button to unselect all the occurrences listed on the main screen.


Click on this button to delete, permanently, the desired occurrences from the system. Select the desired record(s) before clicking on the button and confirm the question asked by the system.


When the retention deadline is reached, the responsible user may also perform this operation through the Occurrence deletion task.