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Adding a team

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To add a new team, perform the following steps:


1.On the toolbar, click on the new button.

2.On the screen that will be opened, enter an ID # and a name for the team.

3.Save the record, but do not close the data screen.

4.In the Members tab that will be enabled, click on the new button on the side toolbar and associate the organizational unit, the position, the department and position, or the users who will compose the team. See a detailed description of how to perform this operation in the Adding members to the team section.

5.In the Security tab, define if the team will be public or private. If it is private, define who will be able to edit and who will be able to only view the team. See a detailed description of how to perform this operation in the Defining the team security section.

6.After that, save the record.