Location: View Career and succession Potential
Through this operation, it is possible to view and track the classification of the employees as to their potential for growth in the organization.
Specific buttons:

Click on the arrow located next to this button and select the desired option to view the potential evaluation data or view the profile of the employee selected in the list of records.

Click on this button to use the Analytics resource to analyze the result obtained from the search.

Click on the arrow next to this button to configure and issue the desired potential report. This button also allows configuring a new report or associating an existing report and also viewing the parameters that can be used in the configuration of new reports.

Click on this button to change the main screen layout to three quadrants. When selecting this option, the third quadrant will display the information about the employee profile selected in the list of records of the second quadrant.

Click on this button to change the main screen layout to two quadrants.
Use the following filters to find the records you wish by using specific information. To use such filters, go to the Search filters panel and click on the button to add filters.
For further details about the "Search panel" and other view operations, refer to the "User guide Views" section.
Click on the Select department button and in the Group by field, click on the corresponding option by which you wish to find the record: all, active, or inactive. In the panel below this field, in the displayed hierarchy, select the object you wish to use as a filter. After that, click on Apply. For more information, refer to the Search filters Filtering records through the type hierarchy section.
Click on the Add potential button and select an operator and the scale option used to evaluate the potential growth of the employees you wish to search. To use more than one potential option, use the Add potential option at the bottom of the panel and repeat the procedure described previously. Use the button next to each added potential to delete it from the filter. After that, click on the Apply button.
Click on the Add employee button and select the department, position, or the employee whose potential growth you wish to search. After that, click on Apply.
User ID: Enter the employee ID # whose potential you wish to search.
Name: Enter the name of the employee whose potential you wish to search.
Position: Select the position of the employee whose potential you wish to search. Use the other buttons next to the field to fill it in with the logged-on user data and clear it.
Leader: Select the leader of the employee whose potential you wish to search.
User status: Expand the list and check the possible status of the employee record whose potential you wish to search in the system. Use the buttons next to the field to check all available options and clear the checked options.
Department and position status: Expand the list and check the respective options to indicate if the employee whose potential you wish to search is fit or unfit to perform the position in the department to which they belong.
Hire date: Select the date range that covers the hire date in the organization of the employee whose profile you wish to search.
Comments: Enter the comments referring to the employee whose potential you wish to search.
Click on the Add attribute button and select the attribute associated with the profile of the employee whose growth potential you wish to search, the operator and a value for it. To use more than one attribute to this filter, use the Add attribute option in the bottom of the panel and repeat the procedure described previously. After adding the desired attributes, click on the Apply button.
Use the fields in this filter to find the potential growth information you wish to search, through the user who performed the employee evaluation. To do that, select the desired department, position, leader and/or the appraiser. It is also possible to enter the user ID and/or the name of the user who performed the employee evaluation whose potential you wish to search.
Use the fields in this filter to find the potential information you wish to search through the potential evaluation. To do that, select the range that covers the evaluation date and/or enter the explanation given by the appraiser during the evaluation. Check the Only current evaluation option for only the current evaluation to be considered in the search result. If this option is unchecked, the obsolete employee evaluations will also be considered.
Evaluation plan: Select the evaluation plan related to the evaluation of the employee whose potential you wish to search.
ID #: Enter the evaluation plan ID # related to the evaluation of the employee whose potential you wish to search.
Name: Enter the evaluation plan name related to the evaluation of the employee whose potential you wish to search.
Cycle: Enter the number range the covers the execution cycle of the evaluation plan related to the employee evaluation whose potential you wish to search.
Career and succession: Expand the list and check the options corresponding to the career and succession items that were also evaluated in the employee whose potential you wish to search. Use the other buttons on the side of the field to check all available options and clear the markups made.
Only plan last execution: Check this option for the search only to consider the last execution cycle of the evaluation plan related to the evaluation of the employee whose potential you wish to search. By unchecking it, it will be possible to view the evaluation history in the previous cycles.
To view the competence evaluations history in the previous cycles, you must uncheck the "Only plan last execution" option and in the "Cycle" field, enter the interval of cycles you wish to search. Click on the "Search" button for the system to display the previous evaluations.
Check the Only favorite employees field so that in the search result is only displayed the employees classified as favorites. For more information, refer to the Search Filters View favorite records section.
After you complete the necessary filters, click on the SEARCH button on the Search filters panel or press ENTER on the keyboard to perform the search. The result will be listed on the right side of the view screen.