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Quality control

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The way this section will be displayed will vary depending on the document type of the capture configuration:



Image processing




Converts the image to black and white.

The feature will not be applied to the image.


Removes dirt, unwanted spots or other noises that may have been inserted into the image during the scanning process.

Remove row

Removes the rows present in the image (both the originals of the file and those that were introduced during the scanning process). The presence of lines in the image, especially vertical lines, can interfere with the OCR process. It is important to note that the removal of horizontal lines may have an impact on the size of the image.


Corrects image alignment in case of misalignment during the scanning process.

Border remove

Automatically detects and removes the edge of the image to improve image definition.

Median filter

Apply the Median filter on the image to reduce noise (especially "salt-and-pepper" noises). The Median filter replaces the intensity of each pixel by the median of the intensities of adjacent pixels, reducing the amount of intensity variation between one pixel or the other.

1 - The other options will only be enabled after this is checked.



When the capture batch file is an .xml file, its quality control is done through .xsd files. The .xsd file (XML Schema Definition) is used to validate which fields the XML should contain, what their types are, whether they are mandatory or not etc.


To add an .xsd file to this section, click on the button on the side toolbar and, on the screen that will be opened, fill out the following fields:



Click on the button and on the screen that will open, locate and select the desired .xsd file.


Select the corresponding option to report whether the file is main (the file that contains the main structure of the XML) or auxiliary (files from which the main file is dependent).

Done this, save the record. Repeat the procedure to add all desired files.


In the Structure field, select the structure contained in the main file that will validate the .xml file that is used in the batch.

Use the button to delete the file selected in the list of records.