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Revision acknowledgment

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Revision acknowledgment

Who is notified:

Users responsible for revision of complementary documents, that is, users who have the "Revision" control enabled in the security list of documents associated with the structure of a document under revision. This task will only be generated if the "Notify structure revision" option is checked in the Revision section of the general parameters.


The revision of a document that has a complementary document structure is started.


Verify and define which complementary documents should also be revised.


How to execute this task:



From the list of pending records, select the desired pending document.



After that, click on the button in the toolbar.



At this moment, the screen with the complementary document structure will be displayed. Documents that are not displayed on this screen are those that are already under revision or those that the user does not have permission to revise. In the Where used and Composed of sections, all complementary documents that set the structure of the document, to which the logged user has the "Revise" control enabled in its security, are listed.



To define which documents will be revised and which will not, select the desired document in the list of records and use the following buttons of the side toolbar:

Click on this button to add a new revision to the selected document. See more details about how to perform this operation in the Revising documents section.

Click on this button to keep the document with the current revision, that is, to indicate that the selected document does not need revision.