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Watermarks in electronic files under revision via Workflow

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If you wish to apply the watermark to electronic files being revised via workflow, first, perform all steps and configurations described in the Watermark in electronic files section.


Once done, some additional configurations in SE Process will be necessary:


Define the watermark that will be applied to the status of the revision activity via workflow

To perform this configuration, the user must have a "Manager" type license and access to the menu described below. To do that, perform the following steps:

1.Access the File Automation Status (PM044) menu in the SE Process component.


2.Locate and select the status to which you wish to apply a watermark in the list of records.


3.Click on the toolbar button.


4.On the screen that will be displayed, make sure the fields are filled out as the example below in the General tab:

Component: Document

Object: Document

Operation: Revision


5.Then, access the Control tab and find the Watermark status option.


6.In the field displayed in the "Enable" column, select the status of the document whose watermark configurations will be valid for the activity.


7.Save the record.


Repeat the steps above to configure all statuses that will be related to the revision process activities used in the documents to which you wish to apply the watermark.


For example: By selecting the "Revision in draft" option, when the activity with this status associated is under execution, when printing the electronic file, the watermark configured in the "Revision in draft" section of the watermark configuration associated with the category of the document being revised will be displayed.

If it is necessary to add and configure a new status, click on the "Add" button on the main screen side toolbar. On the screen that will be opened, enter an ID # and a name for the status. Use the "General" tab to select the component, the object, and the operation, as shown in step 3. In the Control tab, check the operations that will be enabled while the activity to which the status will be related is under execution. Perform the configurations starting from step 4.

Refer to the detailed description on how to add and configure a status in the File Automation Status Creating a status section in the SE Process context help.


Associate the status with a defined watermark with the revision process activity

To perform the operations described below, note that:

If your user has a "Manager" license, to perform the configurations, it is necessary to have access to the File Process (PM022) menu.

To edit a process and its flowchart, your user must have the "Edit" control enabled in the process security. This security can be defined and inherited from the type or customized through the "Security" option in the process data screen.

If the "ISO9000" or "Workflow" revision control has been configured in the selected process type, it will be necessary to create a revision to edit it.

If the selected process has a "Simplified" revision control, it will be necessary to enable editing to perform it.


To edit the process, perform the following steps:

1.In the list of records of the File Process (PM022) menu, locate and select the process used to control the revision of the documents to which you wish to apply the watermark.


2.Click on the toolbar button.


3.In the flowchart, select the revision process activity that, under execution, must display a watermark in the electronic file of the document.


4.Click on the Data option on the toolbar.


5.Access the Configurations Revision option.


6.In the Revision status field, check if the status that has the desired watermark status is selected. If it is not, use the other buttons next to the field to select the desired status or add a new status and associate it with the activity.


7.Save the record.


Repeat the previous steps to check all activities in which a watermark must be displayed in the files during their execution. Any changes to the flowchart will be displayed after releasing the version or close the process revision.


If it is necessary to add or configure a new process, refer to the detailed description on how to perform this operation in the File Document Adding a new document section in the SE Process context help.


Print the electronic file with the configured watermark

When the document is created or is under revision and the activity with the status configured with a watermark is under execution, when opening and viewing the electronic file through the DocView or ExcelView viewers, the watermark will not be displayed. It will only be displayed in the printed version of the file.