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In this section the toolbar tab will be presented, as well as their buttons, along with the description of their purposes.




Saves the changes made to the form.


Display form

Views the execution of the form.

Evaluate form

The system will display a screen to inform whether the form has errors, for example, components added in the form without an associated table attribute.


A screen will be opened to allow configuring queries for the search and database updates, in which it will be possible to use commands in the formulas.



All components that are selected in the designing area will be removed.


By clicking on the arrow located below this button, the following event options will be displayed:

Bring to front: Moves the selected item one level (layer) up, causing any item overlapping this item to be positioned behind the event item.

Send to back: Moves the selected item one level (layer) down, causing any item overlapped by this item to be positioned in front of the event item.

Select all

Selects all components added to the designing area.



Views the form data.



Click on the arrow located below this button to view the item alignment options:

Align left: Vertically aligns all the selected components with the leftmost component.

Align right: Vertically aligns all the selected components with the rightmost component.

Horizontal center: Horizontally centers all the selected components with the leftmost component.

Vertical center: Vertically centers all the selected components with the topmost component.

Top: Horizontally aligns all the selected components with the topmost component.

Bottom: Horizontally aligns all the selected components with the bottommost component.

Dynamic alignment

Enables the dynamic alignment; in other words, if this resource is enabled, when dragging the item in the designing area, the system will show a line when it is horizontally or vertically aligned with another form item.


Import from table

The system will add components that correspond to the attributes created in the form table, after they have already been associated. If the table has no attribute, no field will be added.

Save as image

The system will create an image of the form, which may be viewed or saved locally on the machine.


By clicking on the arrow below this button, the following options will be displayed:

Load: By selecting this option, the system will display the formula editor to configure the rule that will be executed when loading the form during its execution. For more details about the formula editor, refer to the "User guide arrowrgray Tools arrowrgray Tools" section.

Save/Close: By selecting this option, the system will open the formula editor to configure the rule that will be executed when saving the form during its execution. For more details about the formula editor, refer to the "User guide arrowrgray Tools arrowrgray Tools" section.


The system will display a screen that will allow you to define which form fields will be displayed in the mobile fill version when the form is being used in an automated process for SE Workflow. See further details about this button in the Mobile simulation section.